Mini militia all in one death sprayer mod


Mini militia death sprayer mod v3.0
Mini militia all in one deathsprayer mod
The best mini militia death sprayer mod everrrr

Mod info:-
1) Deathsprayer rocket launcher gasnade(green bombs) sprayer 
2) Mini gun sprayer 
3) Stabilized speed as normal as mini gun is very heavy 
4) Added deathsprayer to most of guns
5) Sniper sprayer 
6)Saw sprayer 
7)And added deathsprayer to more guns
8) Increase bullets speed 
9) Sniper bullet range 
10) Commander in Chief rank
11)Anti bomb effect (bombs won't be able to kill you)
12) Fixed skill-29
13) Dual guns can be held 
14)Fake iOS symbol 
15) Instant weapons respawn 
16) Instant respawn after death 
17)All weapons laser 
18)One shot kill
19)Pro pack unlocked 
20)All store items unlocked and equipped 
21) Unlimited flying power 
22) Unlimited bullets or ammo
23)No reload 
24) Primary GUN- rocket launcher 
25) Secondary GUN- mini gun 
26) Ability to throw SAWS from hands
27) Even if u throw bombs u will not lose dual guns 
28)Hd background 
29) Golden text added
30)Now u can play survival in outpost map
31)App clone (Now u can keep both my mod and original mini militia no need to uninstall anything)
32)More features added discover yourself 


Guys SHARE THIS MAXIMUM to support me because I will keep on releasing more da2 community destroying mods.
Lol people like Vishnu,gunner,arshad,phoenix,romil copied my mod 
mini militia death sprayer mod rocket launcher

mini militia deathsprayer

Mini militia saw sprayer

mini militia deathsprayer mod

mini militia death sprayer mod

Mini militia death sprayer mod
Mini militia deathsprayer mod
Mini militia deathspray
Mini militia death spray
Mini militia death sprayer rocket launcher
Mini militia death spray rocket launcher
Deathsprayer Deathspray 


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