How to Root Any Device [XDA-DEVELOPERS] or using KINGO (Root Android with Kingo Android)

For those new to the world of rooting, acquiring root access essentially grants you elevated permissions. With root access, you are able to access and modify files that would normally be inaccessible, such as files stored on the /data and /system partitions. Having root access also allows you to run an entirely different class of third-party applications and apply deep, system-level modifications. And by proxy, you may also be able to access certain device features that would otherwise be inaccessible or use existing features in new ways.
Having root access isn’t the end all-be all of device modification–that title is usually reserved for fully unlocked bootloaders and S-Off. That said, root access is generally the first step on your journey to device modification. As such, root access is often used to install custom recoveries, which then can be used to flash custom ROMs, kernels, and other device modifications. Root access also enables users to install the powerful and versatileXposed Framework, which itself acts as a gateway to easy, non-destructive device modification.
Due to its inherent power, having root access is often dangerous. Thankfully, there are root brokering applications such as SuperSU that only grant root access to applications of your choosing. There are also various root-enabled utilities available to help you restore in the event that something goes wrong. For starters, you can use any number of root-enabled application backup tools to backup your applications and their data to your local storage, your PC, and even online cloud storage. And in conjunction with a custom recovery, rooted users are able to perform a full, system-wide Nandroid backup that essentially takes a snapshot of your current smartphone or tablet at any particular time.
We can go on about the virtues of root access ad infinitum, but we’ll stop for now because we sense you salivating at the prospect of root access and what you can do with your device once root is achieved. Head to the links below to begin the journey.


Many devices can be rooted using this application. Check your device for compatibility.


Created by XDA Recognized Developer geohotTowelroot is another root exploit app that is compatible with a large range of devices. The root exploit itself is built around Linux kernel CVE-2014-3153 discovered by hacker Pinkie Pie, and it involves an issue in the Futex subsystem that in turn allows for privilege escalation. Although specifically designed for certain variants of the Galaxy S5, it is compatible with the majority of devices running unpatched kernels.


Created by XDA Senior Recognized Developer ChainfireCF-Auto-Root is a root for “rooting beginners” and those who want to keep as close to stock as possible. CF-Root is meant to be used in combination with stock Samsung firmwares as well as Nexus devices, and be the quickest and easiest way for your first root. In essence, it does nothing but install and enable SuperSU on your system, so apps can gain root access.


Galaxy SII Plus (4.1.2 | 4.2.2)
Galaxy S III (International | Verizon 4.3 – 4.1.2 | Sprint AT&T | T-Mobile)
Galaxy S4 (International Exynos – Snapdragon Verizon Sprint AT&T | T-Mobile | Canadian)
Galaxy S6 Edge (Normal Root PingPong Root)
Galaxy Note 2 (International | Verizon Sprint | AT&T | T-Mobile)
Galaxy Note 4 (International | Verizon | Sprint | At&T | T-Mobile)
Tab S (8.4 | 10.5)


HTC One M7 (International | Verizon | Sprint AT&T | T-Mobile)
HTC One M8 (International | Verizon | Sprint | AT&T | T-Mobile)




Xperia Line (Cross Development) (Link 1 | Link 2)


G3 (International/Unlocked Only/AT&T)





HP Slate 7 (2800)

OR using KINGO

[HOW TO] Root Android with Kingo Android

Kingo Android Root offers every Android user the easiest one-click method to root any Android devices. How to use this universal Android root software to root your Android device? Here we go.
Make sure you get everything right beforehand.
  • Device powered ON
  • At least 50% battery level
  • Internet connection necessary
  • USB Cable (the original one recommended)

Step 1: Free download and install Kingo Android Root.

Kingo offers the best one-click Android root software for free. Just download and install it now.

Step 2: Double click the desktop icon of Kingo Android Root and launch it.

After launching Kingo Android Root, you will see its interface as shown below. 
Kingo Android ROOT

Step 3: Plug your Android device into your computer via USB cable.

If your device driver is not installed on your Computer, Kingo will install it for you automatically. Make sure you get Internet conenction so that device driver can be downloaded. If you are using Windows 8, you may need to change some settings first. When running Kingo Android Root on Windows 8, the issue you may most likely encounter is driver installation looping.

Step 4: Enable USB Debugging mode on your Android device.

USB Debugging mode enabled is a necessary step of Android rooting process.
INPORTANT: Pay attention to your device screen for a prompt window. Tick "Always allow from this computer". If you don't, you will probably get yourself an OFFLINE DEVICE.
Kingo Android ROOT

Step 5: Read notifications carefully before rooting your device.

Android rooting is nothing big. However, it is not exactly a small issue either. Rooting your device may open a door for you, and yet with risks.
Android rooting is a modification process to the original system, in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed and thus resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps and even facilitate the removal and replacement of the device's operating system with a custom one. Rooting your device will immediately void your warranty...  Click to know more about Android Rooting.

Step 6: Click "ROOT" to root your device.

Kingo Android Root will employ multiple exploits on your device, which will probably take a couple of minutes. In the rooting process, your device may be rebooted several times. Do not be panic, it is perfectly normal. And once it begins, please DO NOT touch, move, unplug or perform any operation on your device.
Kingo Android ROOT

Step 7: Root succeeded, click "Finish" to reboot your device.

Hopefully your device is well supported and successfully rooted by Kingo. Until your device reboots itself, do not operate.

Step 8: Check the root status of your device.

Normally, you will find an app named SuperSU installed on your device after successful rooting.
Kingo Android ROOT


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