REMOVE ANY ANDROID PATTERN OR PASSWORD : (without data loss) STEPS:- Download below) • Place it in sdcard or otg drive • Insert it in locked android device • Now power off your phone • Now press volume up + power key • It will boot with custom recovery Twrp • Now click install • Select storage SDCARD or OTG PENDRIVE • Choose • Swipe right to flash it • After flashed Aroma file manager will open • Now go to following location in Aroma File Manager » Data/System • Now there is a file named gesture.key and password.key gesture.key = pattern lock password.key = password lock • If your lock is pattern - delete gesture.key • If your lock is password - delete password.key • After deleting click menu » exit • Reboot System. • Once Device power on, Draw any random pattern to unlock your device. • ENJOY You HAVE UNLOCKED BYPASSED SCREEN LOCK (<<CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AROMA FLASHABLE ZIP FILE(1MB) ...
VIEW PREVIOUS DEATHSPRAYER VERSIONS:- mini militia death sprayer mod v1.0 mini militia death sprayer mod v2.0 Mini militia death sprayer mod v3.0 Mini militia all in one deathsprayer mod The best mini militia death sprayer mod everrrr Mod info:- 1) Deathsprayer rocket launcher gasnade(green bombs) sprayer 2) Mini gun sprayer 3) Stabilized speed as normal as mini gun is very heavy 4) Added deathsprayer to most of guns 5) Sniper sprayer 6)Saw sprayer 7)And added deathsprayer to more guns 8) Increase bullets speed 9) Sniper bullet range 10) Commander in Chief rank 11)Anti bomb effect (bombs won't be able to kill you) 12) Fixed skill-29 13) Dual guns can be held 14)Fake iOS symbol 15) Instant weapons respawn 16) Instant respawn after death 17)All weapons laser 18)One shot kill 19)Pro pack unlocked 20)All store items unlocked and equipped 21) Unlimited flying power 22) Unlimited bullets or ammo 23)No re...
WhatsApp Always Online Trick is very useful for those who wants to show their whatsapp status always online. And Yes , its now possible. Some people think it’s not possible, but they are wrong….In this scientific world nothing is impossible friends. We will show under how to easily avail the trick and be online without touching your whatsapp longer. (<CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD GB WHATSAPP> ) Is it really possible on WhatsApp to show online even if I’m Offline? Not making you much confused to the answer I just want to say Yes! It is possible to show your whatsapp online even if there is no data connection or you have switched off the device. In case you turned off the lights off your device, it will then also show online to your friends. WhatsApp is famous for its high speed sharing and privacy, so to be always online you need to learn step by step trick as under. Download GB WhatsApp on your android device 2. Install ...
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