Change IP address

1. Click on window get or "Start" in the base left hand corner of screen

2.then  Click on "Run"

3. In the wake of clicking on run Type in "cmd" and hit okay You should now be at a MSDOS short screen.

4. By then Type "ipconfig/release" much the same as that, and hit "enter"

5. Thentype "path" and leave the short

6.then  Right-click on "Framework Places" or "My Network Places" on your DESKTOP

7.then  Click on "properties

You should now be on a screen with something titled "Neighborhood", or something close to that, and, in case you have a framework trapped, the larger part of your diverse frameworks.

8. Right click on "Neighborhood" and click "properties"

9. Twofold click on the "Web Protocol (TCP/ IP)" from the rundown under the "General" tab

10. Click on "Use the going with IP address" under the "General" tab

11. Make an IP address (It doesn't have any kind of effect what it is. I basically sort 1 and 2 until i finish thearea off).

12. Press "Tab" and it should regularly fill in the "Subnet Mask" fragment with default numbers.

13. Hit the "okay" get here

14. Hit the "okay" get afresh

You should now be by and by to the "Area" screen.

15. Right-click by and by on "Neighborhood" and go to properties afresh.

16. Retreat to the "TCP/IP" settings

17. This time, select "Get an IP address thusly"

18. Hit "okay"

19. Hit "okay" afresh

20. You now have an alternate IP address


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